ELIMINATION COMMUNICATION is a gentle, healthy, and responsive practice that encourages infants to signal their needs and parents to be receptive to those signals. It promotes healthier attitudes towards elimination; alleviates the stress of toddler potty training; frees families from their dependence on smelly, expensive, and environmentally damaging diapering practices; and strengthens the attachment between parents and their babies. Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, who in the 1960s pioneered what has become the mainstream approach to toilet training, had this to say about Elimination Communication in 2005: "What I wish is that more women [families!] could be free enough to do it that way." Come to our MetroMinis Elimination Communication to explore this freedom for yourself and your baby!
Introductory Price: $15 per person/$20 per couple.
Space is limited to 10 participants reserve your seat now.