You know you don't want to throw away bag after bag of dirty disposable diapers, but you haven't figured out how you will find the ease of disposables in cloth?
Metro Minis can help. Luckily, several American companies have applied 21st century ingenuity to cloth diapering, taking into account busy lives, shrinking budgets, and environmental concerns.
At our Cloth Diaper Class, Annie Frisbie will walk you through the world of
Metro Minis can help. Luckily, several American companies have applied 21st century ingenuity to cloth diapering, taking into account busy lives, shrinking budgets, and environmental concerns.
At our Cloth Diaper Class, Annie Frisbie will walk you through the world of
She will discuss the styles of diapers, pros and cons of each, and how they might fit into your daily life. There are cloth diapers for every budget, every personality, and every caregiver. Annie gets into all the nitty gritty details; from figuring out how many diapers you will actually need, to dealing with the poopy diaper at home and on the go. Plus, she shares her best tips on odor removal, washing in New York City's hard water, detergent options and convenient accessories that will make the whole cloth diapering experience easier. She has been there, she has done that, and she will help you make an easy transition into cloth diapering. Class is FREE!
Join us on Saturday, March 28th at 3pm!
Join us on Saturday, March 28th at 3pm!