Thursday, April 30 at 6:00PM and Saturday, May 16 at 12:30PM
Are you an expectant parent seeking information and support? Have you heard about doulas, but aren't sure you really understand how they might fit into your birthing/parenting plans? Do you want to hire a doula, but don't know how to go about it? We can help!
Come for a FREE evening or afternoon with some wonderful doulas working right here in New York City. Each event includes an information session as well as plenty of time to meet the doulas. In the information session, we will help you understand how doulas can make your birthing and early parenting experiences even more joyful and fulfilling, and we will give you pointers about choosing and working with doulas. Afterwards, moms and their birth partners can chat individually with the doulas about each of their philosophies, styles, and services. You just might meet that special doula who is a perfect fit for you!
Introductory Price: FREE! Space is limited, so reserve your seat now!