Monday, October 25, 2010
Return of the Lunchbots!

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Free Winter Babywearing Classes Available!
Our Winter Babywearing Class is back!
Just in time for cooler temperatures, NYC's only certified babywearing educators stand ready to teach you the best ways to use your favorite baby carriers while on-the-go during fall and winter months!
The first two FREE classes are scheduled for Oct. 30 at 1pm and Nov. 8 at 2pm!
If you've attended one of our popular Babywearing 101 Classes, you will definitely want to check out this class as well!
Recommend this class to your friends!
Don't let the cooler NYC winter weather slow you down!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Cloth Diaper Photo Contest!
Hmmm….now which diaper should I choose and where should my setting be? The beach maybe? A park? In Metro Minis? A holiday inspired picture? Oh the choices are endless!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Keep your baby warm this Fall/Winter!

Thursday, October 7, 2010
New research on how to raise kinder children
Infant CPR: Every Parent Should Know

Would you know how you resuscitate your infant if the worst happened?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Share your babywearing stories with us!

Celebrate International Babywearing Week with Metro Minis!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Spanish dads win breastfeeding rights!
(CNN) -- The European Union Court of Justice has ruled that working fathers in Spain have the same right to breastfeeding leave as do moms.
Thursday's ruling grants Spanish dads the same rights as the mother of their child to leave work up to twice a day for a total of an hour or to shorten their workday by 30 minutes for the first nine months of the baby's life.
The court called the law "an unjustified discrimination on grounds of sex" that fathers weren't granted breastfeeding leave in the same instances as women were.
The statute, challenged by Pedro Manuel Roca Alvarez, didn't allow dads to take the same leave afforded to women if the mother of their children didn't work or were self-employed.
The law was "liable to perpetuate a traditional distribution of the roles of men and women by keeping men in a role subsidiary to that of women in relation to the exercise of their parental duties."
...So does this mean we'll see Spanish fathers attending our new NYC breastfeeding support group on Thursdays at 1pm?